Otherworldly Corruption

Card Info
NameOtherworldly Corruption
Card TypeStandard Spell
You may only cast 1 'Otherworldly Corruption
' per turn and only during your turn.

When Cast:
●:Cast this card only if your partner is 'Rei, Jet Black Summoner

Exile as many as possible, up to 3 cards from the top of your deck.
If there are any level 3 or lower unit(s) with 0 Attack or Defense in your exile zone, summon one of them without paying the mana cost.
If you did summon a unit, exile as many cards as possible, up to that unit's level + 1 from the top of your opponent's deck.
Trigger Ability:
●:After this card is exiled, you may activate this.
Return a unit with 0 Attack or Defense from your exile zone to your deck.
Card IDCUS00253
With their boundaries breaking down, worlds collide.
This is a malice that transcends dimensions.