Contract of Possession

Card Info
NameContract of Possession
Card TypeStandard Spell
When Cast:
●:Exile a level 3 or lower Demon-type unit from either discard pile.
Select a Mage-type unit on your field and give it the effects of the exiled unit until end of turn.
Card IDCUS00204
Through dark magic, that evil summoner forced his disciple to posess her body.
Using her newfound powers, she was able to see another world, different from her own.
And in that world, the forces of chaos had been defeated, restoring peace and harmony.
She grinned happily.
... There was still more for me to conquer.
A standard spell that can exile a Demon-type unit from the discard piles and copy its abilities.
The Demon-type must be level 3 or lower and only Mage-type units can receive the abilities.
However, there's still various possibilities.
Surprise your opponent by reusing abilties unexpectedly.