Martyr to Ideals

Card Info
NameMartyr to Ideals
Card TypeUnit Card
TypesIllusion, Mage, Machine
Attack / Defense0 / 0
Optional Ability:
●:Once during your turn, if 'Logic Box
' is on the field, you may discard two cards from your hand to activate this.

Exchange this card for an 'Absolute God of the Perfect World
' from your deck.

Card IDCUU00285
Under the absolute control of a perfect being.
In that, there was only bliss.
If 'Logic Box' is on the field, it has an optional ability that lets you pay with two cards from your hand to swap it with an 'Absolute God' from your deck.
On its own, it is just a unit with 0 Attack and Defense.
It only shows its full potential in combination with 'Logic Box' and 'Absolute God of the Perfect World' so if you want to use it, you should include those in your deck as well.
You can summon it and use it normally but by making it your partner, you can get 'Absolute God of the Perfect World' as a partner by replacing it.