Iris, Terranean Shrine Maiden Warrior

Card Info
NameIris, Terranean Shrine Maiden Warrior
Card TypeUnit Card
TypesLight, Earth, Warrior
Attack / Defense100 / 100
You may only have 1 'Iris, Terranean Shrine Maiden Warrior
' in your deck.

Optional Ability:
●:Once during each player's turn, you may reveal this card from your hand to activate this.
Exchange this card for a 'Terranean Shamaness' on your field that you are the original owner of. (Equipable items and enchant spells transfer to this card)
Optional Ability:
●:Once during your turn, if there are no units in your discard pile, you may discard an Earth-type spell from your hand to activate this.
Choose an opponent unit and increase this card's Attack by that card's level x100 until end of turn.
Card IDCUU00260