Himiko, Fire Princess

Card Info
NameHimiko, Fire Princess
Card TypeUnit Card
TypesFire, Mage
Attack / Defense0 / 0
Trigger Ability:
●:After card(s) are discarded from deck(s), activate this.
For the number of cards belonging to you that were just discarded, gain that number x50 in life.
Next, for the number of cards belonging to your opponent that were just discarded, deal that number x50 in damage to their life.
Card IDCUU00027
The princess of a clan that worships the incarnation of fire inside the Serpent Mountain as a god.
Born with the blessing of fire, it is said that she can communicate with the flames.
Following her call, they will act as both flames of destruction and as flames of healing.
She has a trigger ability that deals damage to your opponent and heals you when cards are discarded from decks.
For a level 1, her Attack and Defense are low.
However, due to her effect, all cards that get discarded from decks turn into either damage or life gain.
That can have an enormous impact.
So you'll probably want to put her in decks that get to use that ability as much as possible.