Fever Time

Card Info
NameFever Time
Card TypeStandard Spell
You may only have 1 'Fever Time
' in your deck.

When casting this card, if there are three 'Lucky 7
' in your discard pile, you may exile all three instead of paying the mana cost.

When Cast:
●:Return all cards in your discard pile into their owner's deck(s).
Then draw as many cards as possible, up to the number of 'Lucky 7
' you just exiled x2.

Card IDCUS00188
The amazing triple-seven.
A miracle night has begun!!
A standard spell that lets you return cards from your discard pile to your deck and then draw.
It costs 7 mana but if you have three 'Lucky 7' in your discard pile, you can cast it without paying.
Additionally, the number of cards you draw depends on how many 'Lucky 7' you exiled.
That said, you'll probably need to adjust your deck around this card to get the most out of it.