Elena, Lightning Necromage

Card Info
Trigger Ability:
Resurrected by forbidden magic, Elena now lives as a jiangshi corpse, practicing martial arts.
By casting lightning through her own body, she raises her physical strength to become a more powerful fighter.
Her lifeless body can withstand higher voltages than normal, giving her superhuman abilities.
She can impede her opponent's movements by discharging the electricity from her body into the environment, to the point where few can defeat her in hand-to-hand combat.
Since Dia was the one to resurrect her and give her new life, she continues to fight by her side to this day.
She has a special rule for summoning that lets you discard an Electric-type spell to reduce the mana needed by 2 and a trigger ability that prevents your opponent from casting spells during the battle phase.
Her Attack and Defense are rather low for a level 5, but considering that you can summon her for 3 mana, they're excellent.
Her ability prevents the opponent from casting spells of a lower level than a spell you exile.
For this to offer reliable protection, you'll want to prevent the casting of at least level 2 or lower spells, meaning you'll want to exile one of at least level 3.
Keep in mind that the ability won't apply if there is other units in your unit zone.