Super Agent G

Card Info
NameSuper Agent G
Card TypeUnit Card
TypesEarth, Psychic, Gravity
Attack / Defense600 / 500
If there are 3 or more Psychic-type cards with different names in your exile zone, you may reduce the mana cost of summoning this card by 1 to 3.
Optional Ability:
●:Once during your turn, you may discard a card from your hand that shares a type with this card to activate this.
Decrease the Attack and Defense of a unit on your opponent's field by 200 until end of turn.
At the end of turn, return this card from the field to its original owner's hand.
Static Ability:
●:The effects of other Gravity-type cards do not work on this card.
Card IDCUU00262
A unit with an optional ability that, at the cost of a hand card, lets you reduce the stats of an opponent unit while returning it to your hand, and a static ability that makes it immune to the effects of other Gravity-type cards.