Ukobach, Flame Scooper

Card Info
NameUkobach, Flame Scooper
Card TypeUnit Card
TypesFire, Demon
Attack / Defense200 / 100
Trigger Ability:
●:After this card destroys a unit in a fight, you may activate this.
Choose a card on your field other than this one. Place as many 'Ember Counter's on it as the level of the destroyed unit +1.
Optional Ability:
●:Once during your turn, you may discard a card from your hand to activate this.
Destroy a card on your field with 'Ember Counter'(s) on it.
Discard as many cards from the top of your opponent's deck as possible, up to the number of 'Ember Counter'(s) that were on the destroyed card.
Card IDCUU00191