Chimera, Undefined Beast

Card Info
NameChimera, Undefined Beast
Card TypeUnit Card
TypesIllusion, Beast
Attack / Defense0 / 100
Trigger Ability:
●:After this card is summoned, activate this.
Choose any number of different level units from either discard pile such that the combined level is 7 or lower. You cannot choose level 0 units. Enchant those units to this card, treating them as enchant spells without effects.
Static Ability:
●:This card is at +x/+y where x is the combined base Attack, and y is the combined base Defense of the cards that are enchanting it due to its own effect. This card also has all the types of those cards.
Static Ability:
●:Per turn, this card may attack as many times as the number of cards enchanting it due to its own effect.
Card IDCUU00112