Ustau, Despair Incarnate

Card Info
Trigger Ability:
Trigger Ability:
An incarnation of despair, born from an abyss of darkness.
Everything it lays its claws on will be turned to dust.
It has a trigger ability that allows it to attack again after destroying a unit in a fight and another trigger ability that lets you discard cards from your opponent's hand after it deals damage to them in a fight.
It's a large unit with abilities to strengthen its attacks.
Being able to attack twice for 900 damage is very powerful and if you can get through to your opponent's partner, you'll soon win the game.
Even if you are low on life, you can use it's second ability to discard your opponent's hand, leaving them with less options to counter your attacks.
Overall, it's a powerful unit but it's Defense is slightly lower than that of 'He Who Spready Malice', which is a level 9.
Just attacking twice alone doesn't set this card apart though, it's the fact that it has no life cost and can discard from your opponent's hand.
It's second ability is also slightly better than a regular double-attack ability as it can attack once more even if another card is also giving it multiple attacks.