Horde of Bugs

Card Info
NameHorde of Bugs
Card TypeStandard Spell
When Cast:
●:Choose a level 3 or lower Bug-type unit in your unit zone.
Summon up to 2 units of the same name from your hand or deck without paying the mana cost.
At the end of turn, destroy the summoned unit(s).
Card IDCUS00251
If you see just one bug...
A standard spell that lets you summon up to two Bug-type units from your deck, as long as you have one of that name already on your field.
Even though it destroys them at end of turn, being able to summon two units for free is quite powerful.
You'll want to summon units that can decide the game that turn or that have effects you can use when they are destroyed, like 'Guiding Light Bug'.
Since it's necessary to have one of the units you'd like to summon on your field in advance, this card works best in decks with many level 3 or lower Bug-type units.