Angel's Kindness

Card Info
When Cast:
Trigger Ability:
The kindness of her heart is reaching the heavens.
A standard spell that lets you return between 3 and 5 Light-type units or 'Advanced Light' cards from your discard pile to your deck and then draw a card.
It also has a trigger ability that lets you return it to the top of your deck after it is discarded from there.
While you need at least 3 cards that meet the conditions in your discard pile to play it, getting to draw a card is excellent.
Since it lets you draw a total of 2 cards if you have an Angel-type unit on your field, it'll be even more powerful in an angel deck.
And in a deck that uses 'Advanced Light', it'll be easier to cast as that can also be returned.
It also works well when you're starting to run out of units or 'Advanced Light's in your deck.
The second ability is helpful against opponents who use a lot of deck destruction.