Eternal Freeze

Card Info
NameEternal Freeze
Card TypeStandard Spell
When Cast:
●:If your partner is an Ice-type unit, you may choose a card in either discard pile to cast this.
Exile that card from the discard pile.
Trigger Ability:
●:After this card is discarded from your hand, you may exile an Ice-type card other than this one from your discard pile to activate this.
Add an 'Eternal Freeze' from your deck to your hand.
Card IDCUS00248
In this place, even time itself is frozen.
A standard spell that lets you exile a card from the discard piles.
It also has a trigger ability that lets you add another card of the same name to your hand after it is discarded from there, at the cost of exiling an Ice-type card from your discard pile.
A level 0 spell that lets you exile an opponent card and prevent it from being re-used is powerful.
It'll be very effective in decks that use the discard pile a lot.
With a deck that can ensure that you have other Ice-type cards to exile for the second ability, it will be an exellent way to pay for things that require you to discard from your hand.