Underworld Reinforcements

Card Info
When Cast:
Just like the living band together, so too do the dead.
A standard spell that lets you summon a Ghost-type unit from your discard pile when your opponent summons a unit of their own.
It's a powerful card, allowing you to summon a variety of Ghost-types of level 8 or lower from your discard pile for just 2 mana.
Do note however, that in return you will take damage to your life points equal to your summoned unit's defense.
This card goes very well with Ghost decks that use 'Eerie Night', allowing you to use that damage to summon yet more units from your discard pile.
If used right, it can be an incredibly powerful card, but since it can also deal a stupid amount of damage, you'll need to pay attention to your life total.
Another drawback is that the times you can cast it depend on what your opponent does.
Since summoning is often done before the battle phase, picking a unit with low Defense to minimize damage will allow your opponent to destroy it more easily.