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Reactive Attack

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Reactive Attack

Card Info

NameReactive Attack
Card TypeStandard Spell


When Cast:
●:During your turn, after your opponent summons, casts or deploys a card, you may select a unit on your field to cast this.
  That unit can attack twice this turn.
Card IDCUS00242


In the face of surprise attacks, their counters are swift and automatic.
That is how puppets fight.


A standard spell that allows a unit of yours to attack twice if your opponent plays a card on your turn.
If your opponent uses a spell to cancel an attack of yours, you can cast this and will still have an attack left.
It also helps in cases where the attack was redirected by summoning 'Assaulting Mimic Armor' with its effect.
This makes it a good countermeasure against any spells or summons your opponent maight have up their sleeve.
However, if the attack is averted by changes in the involved units' Attack or Defense, it becomes more difficult to make use of that second attack.
In those cases, it's better to give the second attack right to a different unit of yours.

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