Lucky 7

Card Info
NameLucky 7
Card TypeStandard Spell
When Cast:
●:Pay 100 life to cast this.
Shuffle your deck, then show the top card.
If it is a level 7 card, add it to your hand.
If not, exile it.
Trigger Ability:
●:After this card was exiled by the effect of 'Lucky 7
' you may activate this.

Add this card from the exile zone to your hand.
Card IDCUS00187
Drawing this, you'll be super lucky!!
What unforeseen fortunes await!?
A standard spell that can check the top of your deck and, if it's a level 7, add it to your hand.
It's a gamble, entirely determined by the level of the top card after shuffling.
Decks that focus on level 7 cards will have a higher change of success.
And in case you find 'Lucky 7' it gets added to your hand after being exiled so you can try again.