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Eerie Night

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Eerie Night

Card Info

NameEerie Night
Card TypeContinuous Spell


Trigger Ability:
●:Once during each turn, after you receive damage, you may activate this.
  Summon a Ghost-type unit from your discard pile.
  When paying mana for the summon, you may reduce the cost by 1 for every 100 damage received.
Card IDCUS00117


It's the dead of the night, where even the trees are asleep.
This is where their time begins.


A continuous spell with a trigger ability that lets you summon a Ghost-type unit from your discard pile when you take damage.
It's powerful because it lets you summon multiple times with just one card and decreases the mana cost based on how much damage you took.
As long you have enough life, it'll be hard to break your front line.