Forced Disposal

Card Info
NameForced Disposal
Card TypeStandard Spell
When Cast:
●:Your opponent discards their entire hand.
Next, your opponent draws the number of cards that were discarded.
Card IDCUS00074
You lose some, but you gain just as much.
A standard spell that forces your opponent to discard their whole hand and then redraw just as many cards.
Judging by just the outcome, it doesn't do much but replace your opponent's hand.
But even at level 4, the effect is quite powerful.
Since the drawing is forced, you can win the game if your opponent doesn't have enough cards left in their deck.
In decks that aim to reduce the opponents deck, this card can be a real game changer.
On top of that, your opponent will be forced to toss away any useful cards that they might've been holding on to.