Mana Generation Skill

Card Info
NameMana Generation Skill
Card TypeStandard Spell
When Cast:
●:Exile up to 3 spell cards from your discard pile, then gain the number exiled in mana.
Card IDCUS00043
Created by an evil sorcerer, this dark art is used to produce mana.
A standard spell that lets you generate mana by exiling spells from your discard pile.
Generating mana is itself a strong effect, given that it's at the core of the game.
It lets you more easily play high-level cards, allowing for a range of strategies.
However, because it costs 1 mana itself and exiles only 3 cards, the total you gain is just 2.
Additionally, having to gather spells in your discard pile makes it hard to use early on in a game.
Overall, you need to find a balance between low level cards that you can use without this and high level cards that you can spend the extra mana on.