Marine Snow Sacrifice

Card Info
NameMarine Snow Sacrifice
Card TypeStandard Spell
When Cast:
●:Exile any number of Water-type units from your discard pile.
Once during this turn, while summoning a Fish-type unit, you may reduce the mana cost by up to the number of cards exiled by this card's effect.
Card IDCUS00003
Beautiful snow, sinking to the ocean floor.
It serves as evidence of those who were, and nourishment for those who are yet to come.
A standard spell that reduces the cost of summoning Fish-type units.
In order to make the most of its effect, you'll need to get a lot of Water-type units into your discard pile.
Using 'Pitch Dark Krill' or 'Lantern Angler', you can build up your discard pile by getting cards onto your hand and field.
If you can summon 'Deepest Whale' or 'Bahamut, the Leviathan', you can quickly take the lead.