Silver Bullet

Card Info
NameSilver Bullet
Card TypeStandard Item
Deploy only 1 'Silver Bullet' during your turn.
When Deployed:
●:State a card name to deploy this.
Look at your opponent's entire hand.
If there were any cards with that name, destroy them all.
Card IDCUI00119
A sacred bullet, made to take out those abominable wolves.
A standard item that lets you state a card name, look at your opponent's entire hand, and destroy any cards with that name that you find there.
If you already know that your opponent has a certain card in hand, you can state that to easily destroy it.
But even without destroying a card, this still lets you see your opponent's whole hand so you can also just use it to gain information.
In that case, it makes sense to state a card that would be problematic if your opponent had it on hand and hope for the best.