Scythe of the Angel of Death

Card Info
NameScythe of the Angel of Death
Card TypeEquipable Item
Equip only to Demon-type units.
Static Ability:
●:Equipped unit is at +200 Attack.
Trigger Ability:
●:After the equipped unit destroys a unit in a fight, you may pay 100 life to activate this.
Exile the destroyed unit from the discard pile.
Card IDCUI00085
A scythe that has reaped many lives.
Its blade is covered in sin and sorrow.
A standard item with a static ability that increases Attack and a trigger ability that exiles units destroyed in battle.
It is exclusively for Demon-type units.
At level 1, an increase of 200 is not bad.
The second effect, which prevents your opponent from reusing units from their discard pile, is also excellent.
It'll be a useful card in decks centered around demons.