Road to the Heavens

Card Info
NameRoad to the Heavens
Card TypeContinuous Item
Trigger Ability:
●:After unit(s) of yours are summoned, activate this.
Place as many 'Heaven Counter's on this card as units that were summoned. When the number of 'Heaven Counter's on this card reaches 10 or greater, exchange this card with a 'Heaven's Gate, Release
' card in your deck. The effects of other cards don't work on the 'Heaven's Gate, Release
' that was exchanged into the field by this card's effect.

Optional Ability:
●:You may discard this card to activate this.
Deploy 'Heaven's Gate, Release
' from your hand. You may reduce the mana cost of this deploy by the number of 'Heaven Counter's on this card.

Card IDCUI00055