Wrathful God's Statue

Card Info
NameWrathful God's Statue
Card TypeContinuous Item
TypesRock, Structure, Curse
Trigger Ability:
●:After a Curse-type card is destroyed, activate this.
Place a 'Wrath Counter' on this card.
Optional Ability:
●:Once during your turn, you may activate this.
Remove 2 'Wrath Counter's from this card to add a Curse-type card from your deck to your hand.
Trigger Ability:
●:After this card is destroyed, if there is a 'Wrath Counter' on this card, you may activate this.
Summon a 'Monstrosity Token
' (Level 0/Types: Illusion, Curse/Attack ?/Defense ?).

? is the number of 'Wrath Counter's that were on this card x100.
Card IDCUI00028