Scorching Hot Sword

Card Info
NameScorching Hot Sword
Card TypeEquipable Item
TypesFire, Sword
Static Ability:
●:Equipped unit is at +400 Attack.
Trigger Ability:
●:After an equipped Fire-type unit destroys another unit in a fight, activate this.
Discard as many as possible, up to 2 cards from the top of your opponent's deck.
Card IDCUI00019
A scorching hot, flaming longsword.
It in imbued with magic that'll set anything it cuts ablaze.
An equipable item with a static ability that increases Attack by 400 and a trigger ability that, when equipped to a Fire-type unit, discards cards from your opponent's deck when that unit destroys another in battle.
While 400 Attack is a lot, it also costs 4 mana to deploy.
This makes it most useful in decks that have a lot of mana to spare.
The second ability only discards a few cards so it's not that powerful, but when incorporated into the deck destruction tactics of a Fire-type deck, it's not bad.