Golden Sword

Card Info
NameGolden Sword
Card TypeEquipable Item
TypesLight, Sword
Static Ability:
●:Equipped unit is at +100 Attack.
Trigger Ability:
●:After this card is destroyed, activate this.
Draw a card.
Card IDCUI00010
A gorgeous longsword with a golden shine.
Even when broken, it is still a luxury item of incredible value.
An equipable item with a static ability that increases Attack by 100 and a trigger ability that lets you draw a card when it gets destroyed.
For level 1, a 100 Attack increase is reasonable.
The second ability is also quite useful, especially since it does not matter how the card is destroyed.
As long as it stays around, it helps in fights, and once it gets destroyed, you get to draw another card.
A very basic ability like that makes it useable in various kinds of decks.