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Tower of Truth

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Tower of Truth

Card Info

NameTower of Truth
Card TypeContinuous Item
TypesEarth, Structure


Optional Ability:
●:Once during your turn, you may activate this.
  Draw a card.
Static Ability:
●:You may reduce the mana cost of summoning Figure-type units by 1 or 2.
Trigger Ability:
●:During each end phase, activate this.
  If you have 4 or less cards in your hand, discard this card.
Card IDCUI00002


A giant tower, built by a great, ancient sorcerer.
It is said that mana was released from this tower, allowing for the control over a large number of golems.
The word 'Truth' is carved into its sides and if it were to be erased it is said that the flow of mana will cease.


A continuous item with an optional ability that can draw cards, a static ability that reduces the cost of Figure-type units and a trigger ability that destroys it when you have less than 5 cards in your hand.
At level 5 it is difficult to use, but drawing a card every turn is quite good.
Due to letting you summon Figure-type units for cheap, it can play a central role in figure decks.
Since it is a Structure-type card, you can easily get it from your deck with 'New Blueprint'.
But be careful with adding too many cards to your hand since that will destroy it.